Call for Papers: CAD/Graphics 2025

The 2025 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics 2025) is inviting paper submissions. CAD/Graphics aims to bring together leading researchers, practitioners, and educators from around the world to exchange ideas, discuss recent innovations, and explore the future of CAD and computer graphics.
Conference Website: https://cadgraphics2025.sdtbu.edu.cn/
Job Postings
Dear SMA Members,
The SMA would like to provide a forum for communicating job openings in academia, industry, and government, including full-time research positions, research internships, PhD research assistantships, postdoctoral positions, etc. Our goal is to provide in-group connections between employers and candidates with research and commercial interests in geometric and physical modeling. To keep it manageable, we would like to initially restrict it to research positions.
Here is a snapshot of how it looks like with an initial set of positions: http://solidmodeling.org/open-positions-in-related-fields/ We hope to add more employers and a variety of different positions.
If you are an employer with job openings, please send an e-mail to xinli@tamu.edu with a link to a page where the job description and application instructions are posted.
SMA Executive Committee
Announcing SMA Awards 2022!
The SMA Awards Committee is pleased to announce the list of Awardees for 2022:
- SMA 2022 Bezier Award Winner:
- SMA 2022 Fellow:
- SMA 2022 Young Investigator Award:
Announcing SMA Awards 2021!
The SMA Awards Committee is pleased to announce the list of Awardees for 2021:
- SMA 2021 Bezier Award Winner:
- SMA 2021 Pioneer:
- SMA 2021 Fellows:
- SMA 2021 Young Investigator Award:
SMA EC & AB Updates
We are happy to announce that the SMA Executive Committee (EC) welcomes two new members, Dr. Charlie Wang (the new EC Chair) and Dr. Michael Barton. Their terms will continue until 2024.
The current EC is incredibly thankful to Dr. Yongjie Jessica Zhang (the former EC Chair) and Dr. Pierre Alliez, whose terms have expired in 2020, for their services. Dr. Yongjie Jessica Zhang will be joining the SMA Advisory Board (AB).
For more information, please check out the SMA EC Webpage.
SMA Executive Committee
DARPA TRADES Challenge Problems
Dear SMA Members,
On behalf of Dr. Jan Vandenbrande, DARPA DSO Program Manager for Transformative Design (TRADES), the SMA website is hosting the collection of challenge problems that were posed to TRADES performers for the SMA community to access. Here is the link: http://solidmodeling.org/trades-cp/
The objective of the TRADES program is to develop and exploit new mathematics and algorithms to incorporate advanced materials and manufacturing in design, and to empower designers to explore new performance envelopes and synthesize designs unimagined today.
Executive Committee
Announcing SMA Awards 2020!
The SMA Awards Committee is pleased to announce the list of Awardees for 2020:
- SMA 2020 Bezier Award Winner:
- SMA 2020 Fellows:
- SMA 2020 Young Investigator Award:
Announcing SMA Awards 2019!
The SMA Awards Committee is pleased to announce the list of Awardees for 2019:
- SMA 2019 Bezier Award Winner:
- SMA 2019 Pioneer:
- SMA 2019 Fellows:
- SMA 2019 Young Investigator Award:
Announcement: New SMA Award Categories!
In 2019, the Solid Modeling Association (SMA) has introduced two new award categories (in addition to the existing Bézier Award and SMA Pioneer):
The title of SMA Fellow is introduced to recognize individuals with a distinguished record of research, accomplishment and publication in areas of Solid Modeling and demonstrated support of the SMA through membership and participation in the Association, its meetings and activities. All recipients shall be members in good standing of SMA.
The title of SMA Young Investigator Award is introduced to recognize outstanding accomplishments, particularly outstanding published papers in the area of Solid Modeling, by researchers of 40 years or younger. Eligibility requires that the nominee not turn 41 in the year the award is presented.
For more information about nomination procedures, nomination forms, and deadlines visit SMA Fellow and SMA Young Investigator Award webpages.
SMA Executive Committee
February 2019
Call for papers: Advances in Generative Design (A special issue in Computer-Aided Design)

Special issue of Computer-Aided Design
Advances in Generative Design
Guest editors:
Jun Wu, j.wu-1@tudelft.nl Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Xiaoping Qian, qian@engr.wisc.edu University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Michael Yu Wang, mywang@ust.hk Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Recent advances in manufacturing and material science enable the fabrication of complex digital geometric models that are difficult or impossible to produce by using conventional manufacturing technologies. The unprecedented manufacturing flexibility offers opportunities and challenges for computer-aided design of such digital models. Even for the most experienced designers, their intuition might be limited when manually exploring such unprecedented large design space. To empower designers, computer algorithms are being developed to generate desired designs under given design objectives and constraints. Such an algorithm-driven design process is now known as generative design. Example approaches range from shape and topology optimization to shape grammar based design, and to machine learning based designs, among others. The flexibilities in generative design and additive manufacturing are increasingly being combined to produce disruptive high-performance functional structures and digital materials with applications in aerospace, automotive, medical implants, soft robots, customized consumer products, and beyond. This vibrant research area is receiving growing attention in multiple disciplines, such as geometric modelling, graphics, numerical optimization, and computational mechanics.
The goal of this special issue is to bring together researchers from relevant fields into a common forum, to share cutting-edge research on generative design, and to push forward new design methods for advanced manufacturing. The joint efforts will accelerate the transition of generative design from the stage of conceptual design to final design, and the movement of additive manufacturing from prototyping to industrial production. The main topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- – Shape and topology optimization
- – Design through machine learning
- – Big-data driven designs
- – Genetic algorithms based design
- – Design through shape grammars
- – Generative design of digital material
- – Generative design of lattice and cellular structures
- – Generative design under manufacturability constraints
- – Generative design considering multi-physics
- – Shape modelling and analysis for generative design
- – Innovative applications of generative design
Important dates:
Manuscript submission deadline: June 30th, 2018
First round notification: September 15th, 2018
Final revisions due: November 1st, 2018
Final paper acceptance decision: December 1st, 2018
Online publication date: January, 2019
Submission instructions:
All prospective authors are encouraged to obtain an early feedback on possible submissions by e-mailing an abstract to the Guest Editors. All papers will be rigorously refereed by peer reviewers of the Journal. Submission of a manuscript to this issue of CAD implies that no similar paper is already accepted, or will be submitted to any other conference or journal. For information about preparation of their manuscripts, authors should consult the “Instructions for Authors“, which are available online (link: https://www.elsevier.com/journals/computer-aided-design/0010-4485/guide-for-authors) and printed at the back of most issues of Computer-Aided Design. Papers of an appropriate standard not included in the special issue may be considered for publication in a regular issue of Computer-Aided Design.
Submissions should be sent online through Evise (link: https://www.evise.com/evise/faces/pages/homepage/homepage.jspx?_adf.ctrl-state=ewgi77grl_4). Authors should select the acronym ” VSI: Generative Design” as the article type, from the “Choose Article Type” pull-down menu during the submission process.
Post-Doctoral Opportunity at University of Wisconsin – Madison
Post-Doctoral Opportunity
Computational Design & Manufacturing
Spatial Automation Laboratory
University of Wisconsin – Madison
A post-doctoral position is available in the general area of computational design and manufacturing. Research topics span mathematical and computational modeling of shape (geometric, topological, and material properties), additive manufacturing, systems modeling, and cyber-manufacturing. Start date: between January 1, 2018 and March 1, 2018.
Required qualifications include:
— PhD degree in engineering, mathematics, or computer science
— Record of research accomplishments in one of the above technical areas
— Superior communication skills
For additional information or to apply, please email your CV, 1-page summary of research accomplishments and research interests, and 3 references to
Vadim Shapiro
SPM2017: Replicability Stamp
At SPM2017, the following two papers receive Replicability Stamp.
Title: Improved Shape for Refinable Surfaces with Singularly Parameterized Irregularities
Authors: Kestutis Karciauskas and Jörg E. Peters
Title: Disjoint Convex Shell and its Applications in Mesh Unfolding
Authors: Yun-Hyeong Kim, Zhonghua Xi, and Jyh-Ming Lien
Replicability Stamp was introduced since SPM2016, as an additional recognition for authors who are willing to go one step further, and in addition to publishing the paper, provide a complete open-source implementation. Two SPM papers have previously received this recognition in 2016.
Title: Modeling and Analysis of Origami Structures with Smooth Folds
Authors: Edwin A. Peraza Hernandez, Darren J. Hartl, Ergun Akleman, Dimitris C. Lagoudas
Title: A Closed-Form Formulation of HRBF-Based Surface Reconstruction by Approximate Solution
Authors: Shengjun Liu, Charlie C.L. Wang, Guido Brunnett, Jun Wang
SPM 2018 in Spain
SPM 2018 will take place June 11 – 13, 2018 in Bilbao, Spain and will be co-chaired by Michael Barton, Gershon Elber, and Helmut Pottman.
Call for nominations for the Pierre Bézier award 2017
We invite nominations for the Bézier award of individuals or groups who have made major contributions to the field of Solid Modeling or to the broader field of CAD/CAM.
See http://solidmodeling.org/awards/bezier-award/
The SPM 2017 Conference
The Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM-2017) will be co-located with Shape Modeling International (SMI-2017) Symposium as part of the International Convention on Shape, Solid, Structure, & Physical Modeling (S3PM-2017) in Berkeley, California.
See https://s3pm.icsi.berkeley.edu/s3pm/spm.html
The 2015 Bezier Award - Candidates
The 2015 Bezier Award Committee is considering 16 candidates, 10 of which are new nominations received in 2015.
The Award will be announced at the joint SPM / SIAM conference in October 2015.
Faculty position in RWTH, Germany
A new tenured track faculty position in Visual Computing in RWTH, Germany. See Visual_Computing_at_RWTH
New Website of SMA
As of April 2015, SMA has this new web site. You are all invited to freely register and become SMA members!
The SPM 2016 Conference
SPM 2016 is planned for Berlin, Germany, in late June 2016, bringing together SPM, SMI and SGP for the first time ever. The intended web site is www.geometrysummit.org.
The Next SPM 2015 Conference
The next 2015 SIAM/GD – SPM Conference on Geometric & Physical Modeling will be held in October 12-14, 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah
The Chair of SMA is Jarek Rossignac
As of January 2015, the chair of SMA is Jarek Rossignac. Congratulation Jarek and good luck!