Members of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee (EC) is composed of five members, each serving a 4 year term. New EC members, appointed through an election process, will be announced at the end of even year.
Currently, the EC comprises five members, who are (in alphabetical order of last names):
- EC members with terms expiring 12/31/2026:
- Michael Bartoň (Chair) (term expiring 12/31/2026)
- Xiaohu Guo (term expiring 12/31/2026)
- Xin (Shane) Li (term expiring 12/31/2026)
- Ligang Liu (term expiring 12/31/2028)
- Konrad Polthier (term expiring 12/31/2026)
The Executive Committee Chair is Michael Barton.
Individuals interested in serving on the EC should submit a self-nomination to the EC chair for the next official elections of new board members.
Amongst its numerous activities, the EC is responsible for maintaining the Solid Modeling website, a mailing list of SMA members, and the operating procedures for the SMA. It is responsible for selecting Conference Chairs and Program Chairs for the symposia.
Members of the Advisory Board
The Advisory Board (AB) is composed of five members, each serving a 4 year term. The AB members are selected by the EC from well-known and experienced professionals in SMA community, and are invited to provide advice to the EC in better serving the community.
Currently, the AB comprises five members, who are (in alphabetical order of last names):
- AB members with terms expiring 12/31/2024:
- AB members with terms expiring 12/31/2026:
To facilitate transferring knowledge and experience, Former EC members will receive invitations to serve on the AB when their terms on the EC expires.