SPM06 will take place at the Cardiff University, Wales, UK on June 6-8, 2006
2005 ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM)
Keynote Speakers
James O'Brien (UC Berkeley), Abstract |
Bruce Randall Donald (Dartmouth), Abstract |
Biomedical Modeling | Physical Modeling and Simulation | Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing |
Chair: Dimitris Metaxas (Rutgers) , Terry Yoo (NIH), abstract |
Chair: Michael Wang (CUHK) abstract |
Chair: Jan Vandenbrade (Boeing), abstract |
SPM will be run in plenary sessions (no parallel tracks) from Monday June 13 to Wednesday June 15, 2005.
SPM will be followed by the Shape Modeling International (SMI)
conference, which will start on Wednesday
June 15 with a shared day with SPM and will last until Friday June 17.
Both SPM and SMI events are part of the 2005 International
Convention on Shapes and Solids (ICSS'05),
which will
be hosted at MIT
and chaired by Prof.
Nick Patrikalakis. The 2004 Joint Convention on Shapes and Solids took
place in Genoa, Italy.
Best Paper Awards
Sponsored by the UGS CorporationDetails on the previous Solid Modeling Symposia may be found from the web page of the Solid Modeling Association (SMA).
The team of SPM Conference Chairs
Ralph Martin (Cardiff) SPM General Chair |
Jarek Rossignac (GaTech) SPM General Chair |
Kobbelt (Aachen) SPM Program Chair |
Shapiro (Wisconsin) SPM Program Chair |
Nick Patrikalakis
(MIT) SPM Fiancial Chair ICSS'05 General Chair |
George Allen, UGS Cecil Armstrong, QU Belfast Leon Axel, NYU Nicholas Ayache, INRIS Hujun Bao, Zhejiang Univ Fausto Bernardini, IBM Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, INRIA Mario Botsch, RWTH Wim Bronsvoort, Delft Beat Brüderlin, TU Ilmenau Pere Brunet, UPC Frederic Cazals, INRIA Paolo Cignioni, CNR Danny Cohen-Or, Tel Aviv Jonathan Corney, Edinburgh Stephane Cotin, Harvard Leila De Floriani, Genova, Maryland Jaydev Desai, Drexel Tamal Dey, Ohio State Gershon Elber, Technion David Gossard, MIT Craig Gotsman, Technion |
Thomas Grandine, Boeing Leo Guibas, Stanford U Satyandra K. Gupta, Maryland Chris Hoffmann, Purdue Hugues Hoppe, Microsoft Imre Horvath, Delft Shimin Hu, Tsinghua Univ Ken Joy, UC-Davis Bert Jüttler, Johannes Kepler U. George Karniadakis, Brown Myung-Soo Kim, Seoul Kunwoo Lee, Seoul Bruno Levy, INRIA André Lieutier, Dassault Alan Liu, MD Dinesh Manocha, UNC Joe Mitchell, Stony Brook James O’Brien, Berkeley Nikos Paragios, ENPC Valerio Pascucci, LLNL Helmut Pottmann, TU Vienna |
Enrico Puppo, Genova Hong Qin, Stony Brook Ari Rappoport, Hebrew U Bill Regli, Drexel Rich Riesenfeld, U. Utah Malcolm Sabin, Cambridge Nickolas Sapidis, Aegean U Alla Sheffer, UBC Kenji Shimada, CMU Jack Snoeyink, UNC Michela Spagnuolo, CNR Neil Stewart, Montreal Kokichi Sugihara, U. Tokyo Hiromasa Suzuki, Tokyo Univ Seth Teller, MIT Greg Turk, Georgia Tech Tamas Varady, Geomagic Luiz Velho, IMPA Alvar Vinacua, UPC Frank Zeilfelder, Uni Mannheim Denis Zorin, NYU |
Financial Officer and
Local Arrangement Coordinator: Marge
Chryssostomidis (MIT).